Learn to drive with What The L driving school based in Stoke on Trent.
We offer driving lessons in Rode Heath and surrounding areas and at times and locations that suit your needs.What ever your level of driving experience we are sure we can help you out.
Maybe you are just at the beginning of your learning to drive experience or perhaps you have already began taking driving lessons for some time
and require a fresh start to help you regain confidence.
We can offer you -
-Female and Male grade 5&6 Driving Instructors.
-Modern, well maintained manual vehicles.
-Convenient Pickup/Drop off times &locations.
-Discount for block bookings.
-Structured Training with a record of your progress.
-Training and guidance in preparing for your Theory Test.
-Refresher and Intensive driving courses.
We will teach your drive correctly and safely following the DSA learning to drive syllabus which will set you on the road to become a confident new driver.Our instructors are polite friendly and punctual and will teach you to drive using modern coaching methods whilst making learning to drive a rewarding and enjoyable experience.
Any questions? Why not give Mark (07881806098) or Jacqui (07795285065) a call now to find out more about us and to book in for your lessons.
Fleet training
A range of specialist fleet training courses are available. to suit your requirements.
Standard rates
Evenings (after 6pm) and weekend lessons may incur an additional surcharge. Please contact your instructor for details.
Learning to drive with Mark was a very enjoyable experience. He has a great personality and makes learning to drive fun.
I passed 1st time with Mark and would recommend him to anyone interested in l ...
Aidan Rawlinson
Hello, since i had spent 2 years on my moped, i thought it was about time id have ago at passing my driving test. I started lessons with Mark as i was told about him through two of my friends who said ...